All candidates in alphabetical order
Last name, first names | Year of birth | Political party | in |
Yassin, Ilyas Aydrus | 2001 | SPD | Land Hessen (Position 29) |
Yildirim, Nezaket | 1977 | SPD |
Electoral District 278
and Land Baden-Württemberg (Position 21) |
Yildiz, Eyüp | 1968 | BSW | Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 3) |
Dr. Yilmaz, Samet | 1981 | GRÜNE | Land Schleswig-Holstein (Position 8) |
Yüksel, Gülistan | 1962 | SPD |
Electoral District 108
and Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 22) |
Yüksel, Serdar | 1973 | SPD |
Electoral District 139
and Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Position 52) |